Software manufacturers are invited to participate in the Mobile World Congress

“Mobile World Congress”, the largest international expo of the world’s telecommunications industry, will be held in Barcelona, Spain, from February 27 to March 1, 2023.

✅ More than 1,800 companies from the world’s major technology industries such as “IBM”, “META”, “MICROSOFT”, “HP”, “HUAWEI”, “GALAXY” participate in the expo every year in order to promote their products and services, expand business partnerships, and attract investments. .

✅ Under the initiative of the Minister of Electronic Development and Communications, it is planned to jointly organize the event for the first time in the field of Communications and Information Technology from Mongolia.

📌 Therefore, enterprises, organizations and national software production companies interested in participating in the event should contact the Department of Foreign Cooperation of the Ministry of Electronic Development and Communications (, 260636).

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